Business Owner’s Toolkit - A large collection of free business forms, free tools, business templates and checklists that includes a variety of topics ranging from employee management, safety, asset protection, marketing, recruiting and hiring, IRS tax forms, compensation and benefits, government contracting forms and so much more. They also have a business card exchange where you can network with others in your industry.
QuickBooks Simple Start 2009 FREE - Manage your small business better with Intuit’s free 2009 edition of accounting software for Windows. Keep all of your small business accounting records organized including tracking taxes, sales, expenses and customer information and will import data from prior versions of Simple Start. You can create professional-looking invoices & estimates, record cash and credit card expenses, write and print checks and more.
Free Small Business eBooks- A simple, free registration will give you access to nearly 200 free small business ebooks. Some examples of topics covered in the free white papers and free documents are maximizing conversion rates, getting website traffic, internet marketing, increasing profits and improving customer satisfaction. There’s something here for everyone including an internet beginner’s business guide and how to get a million visitors to your website.
Free Trade Magazines- Anita Campbell, Founder of Small Business Trends, offers an extensive list of free small business magazine subscriptions, eGuides, downloads, podcasts and white papers. Browse through a multitude of listings and search for titles that match your topics of interest such as small business management, franchising, marketing and entrepreneurship. Publications include eWeek, Website Magazine and many more.
Tools From Inc.com - A free membership to Inc.com allows you to access over 100 free small business tools that includes categories such as doing business online, financial management, finding capital, hiring and recruiting, managing employees, marketing, performance management, personnel administration, termination and workplace safety. Inc.com offers help for every area of business and is the “daily resource for entrepreneurs.”
SME Toolkit - This collection of free small business tools and resources consists of free training, calculators, small business forms and how-to articles. Topics range from accounting, franchising, payroll, insurance, marketing and technology. Browse the categories to locate the information you need and be sure to enroll in the My Own Business computer training course for those of you who want to start your own business. The course is free.
FormNet- Use this free business forms download service available on Entrepreneur.com. Save yourself time and expense by using these free business form templates and documents available in Microsoft Word, Excel or Adobe pdf. Categories include accounting, credit and collections, insurance, inventory, human resources, leasing, marketing, management, sales, shipping and starting your own small business. No more creating documents from scratch!
Small Business Resource Guide - The Internal Revenue Service is offering up to 5 copies of this Small Business Resource Guide CD-ROM for free. This free CD provides small business tax information including forms and instructions. The CD also contains various website links to government agencies designed to help small businesses comply with tax laws and provides useful information from government agencies, non-profit organizations, and educational institutions.
Microsoft Office Accounting Express 2009 FREE- This free software download is designed to help you and your small business organize data, track employees and process payroll all while saving you time. Designed for US and UK based small businesses and works with other Office applications you may already know. Features include exporting reports to Excel, writing checks, Paypal invoices, payroll, customizable reports and create eBay listings in Office Accounting.
Professional Documents- At Docstoc you can search and share free small business forms, business templates and small business documents. Samples of small business plans, market research and business contracts are available to download free of charge and categories include everything from arts, fashion, educational, technology, finance, legal, real estate and more. Looking for documents and don’t know where to begin? This is the place.
Free Templates and Forms - The Fresh Focus blog has put together a list of free small business templates and forms to improve productivity. These tools are all organized in one place for ease of downloading. Come on over and browse around. Custom templates are also available that include notepads, weekly, monthly and yearly calendars, agendas, expense reports, to-do lists, graph paper, phone logs and more.
Free eBooks, Guides, Manuals and Legal Documents- Publish and share your small business documents FREE at Scribd. You can upload and store your business documents or explore their extensive library of available free tools and resources. You will find an array of free ebooks, guides, manuals and legal documents for your use. Embed your documents anywhere on the web. All major formats accepted with unlimited storage.
Free Small Business Guides and Government Forms - Business.gov is your gateway to official U.S. Government federal forms and business guides. Topics that are covered range from taxes, loans and market research. State and local information is available for small businesses in each and every state. Find out information on what is involved in registering a business, applying for a license, paying taxes and file forms.
Free Small Business Tools and Research Resources - Free access to helpful business information tools and resources designed for any business type and size. Topics range from starting a small business to growing, managing and maturing your business. Locate free resources not easily found through any other means, learn how to become a better business manager, organize with free templates, and manage human resources.
Free Productivity, Collaboration and Business Applications - A centralized collection of tons of free spreadsheets, presentation tools, management software and much, much more. There is even a new section of apps for your small business needs. Everything you could possibly need for operating a more productive business. Login for your free access and active forum discussions on the latest hot topics in Zoho applications.
Free Copy of “The Edge of Success: 9 Building Blocks to Double Your Sales“ - If you are looking to reach a completely new level of success for your small business, download your free copy of this ebook to take you and your business to the “next level”. Systemize and simplify your business operations while doubling your sales with the 9 proven techniques revealed within this free copy of the downloadable book.
Free Business and Entrepreneurship Courses - Take advantage of this large list of 100 Ivy League business and entrepreneurship courses that are completely free for you to attend! These top university courses are seperated into topic categories that include accounting and finance, economics, communication, management, leadership, marketing and advertising, product developmant and launch, technology and law.
HP Creative Studio - Hewlett-Packard has compiled an extensive collection of business tools and business marketing materials available for your use. Resources & templates found under the “DIY Free” level are obviously free for your use. There are lots of free designs, document and signage templates, presentation materials, business forms, website and blog templates and much, much more to choose from.
Free Tools & Forms - Winmark Business Solutions provides access to useful free small business tools such as business plans, official government forms, financial spreadsheets, checklists, legal forms and business templates. These ready-to-use business resources with help you work more efficiently and faster. Take advantage of the wealth of resources available to you here all at no cost to you.
Free Spreadsheet Download Library - JaxWorks.com has hundreds of Excel spreadsheets available on their site for downloading at no cost to you. These free offerings cover a number of financial, accounting and sales functions at all skill levels. Browse the selections and save any number of these for future reference. The free downloads are available for Windows Excel, Apple Macintosh Excel and Apple iWorks Numbers.
Free Quick Reference Training Guides - CustomGuide offers free downloadable quick reference computer training guides. These free pdf files are downloadable and printable for your office needs. Employees can quickly refer to these guides for general operating information on Microsoft, Mac, and Adobe software programs. You could also easily incorporate these free guides into new employee training handbooks.
Free Small Business Letters and Forms - Freebusinessforms.com provides a large selection of free small business letters and forms. You have unlimited access to printable invoice forms, receipts, debt collection letters, contracts, legal forms and more. There is also a section of reports, e-books, and employment information available for download. Sign up for their email updates to be notified when new forms are added.